Curricular Goal
Curricular Goal
Proficient and Culturally-rooted Learners of the Mother Tongue Languages.
Mengembangkan rasa cinta pelajar terhadap Bahasa Ibunda supaya mereka menjadi pengguna yang cekap dan pelajar yang bertunjang kepada budaya.
கலாசாரத்தில் வேரூன்றியும் தாய்மொழியில் திறமை வாய்ந்தும் விளங்குதல்.

The Mother Tongue Language (MTL) Department aims to develop our students into individuals who are proficient in MTL skills, enjoy and also display resilience in the learning of their MTL. Through the learning of MTL, our students will also be able to better appreciate their cultural heritage and foster a strong sense of identity.
The MTL department promotes students’ learning via engaging and fun activities such as singing of songs, group work, interactive lessons and games. By doing so, we aim to develop our students in the following language competencies Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Interactive Skills.
Learning Structure (Proficient Learners)

Festivities Celebration (Culturally-Rooted Learners)
Pongal Celebration
Chinese New Year Celebration
Hari Raya Celebration
Mid-Autumn Celebration
Deepavali Celebration
Other Programmes
Conversational Chinese and Malay (CCM)
Mother Tongue Language Fortnight
Cultural Performances (CPES)
Various MTL Competitions (Internal and External