Curriculum Framework
In Punggol View Primary School, we remain focused on developing the whole child, aiming to mold our students into Confident learners and Active citizens with the appropriate traits and Learning Dispositions. To nurture our students into confident learners and active citizens, we believe that our children must be taught not only what to think but “how” to think. We want them to be developed into Effective and Empathetic Communicators and have the capacity to think well, think clearly and think creatively. This will ensure they are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

The school is committed to prepare our students to be Future Ready by employing our innovative ABC2D approach. This approach encapsulates Assessment Literacy, Blended Learning, Critical and Inventive Thinking (CIT), Effective and Empathetic Communication to cater to the 21st Century Competencies, and Differentiation in the classroom to ensure no child is left behind. This comprehensive strategy ensures that every student is included and catered to, fostering critical, inventive skills. Students also need to embrace adaptive thinking, sizing up unexpected situations, considering possible options and deciding on the best solution. Therefore, the school not only focuses on academic prowess but also prepares students to adapt and respond to unforeseen challenges effectively.
Punggol View Primary School actively creates various learning opportunities, extending education beyond the conventional classroom environment. Looking forward, the school aims to reinforce the idea of "the World as our school" for both students and teachers. This is achieved by increasing exposure to diverse learning platforms beyond the school's boundaries, thus broadening the educational experience and preparing students for global challenges and opportunities.

Six Student Outcomes
(Alignment to our Vision : Confident Learners, Active Citizens)
Moral Character - Morally upright, Emotional adept, Socially responsible
Performance Character - Cognitively robust, Aesthetically aware, Physically active

4 (LIFE) approaches to deliver the Curriculum Model
Learn the Subject Disciplines
Inculcate Values, as well as cultivate the Social and Emotional Competencies and, Civic Literacy, Global Awareness & Cross-Cultural Skills
Character and Citizenship Education
Programme for Active Learning (PAL)
Co-Curricular Activities (CCA)
Foster the Emerging 21st Century Competencies
Critical & Inventive Skills
Communication, Collaboration & Information Skills
Knowledge Application Skills
Enrich the students' learning experiences
Creativity@Punggol View
Talent Development Programme
Student Life & Leadership
Our Learning Dispositions

The changing Educational Landscape
This video depicts our 3-D Dialogue.