Distinctive Programmes (CIT)
Critical and Inventive Thinking
Our Learning Goals
We want our students to become proficient thinkers who thrive in and beyond school as they:
Critical Thinking
Exercise sound reasoning and decision-making
Use metacognition to enhance, monitor and regulate thinking
Adaptive Thinking
Assess different contexts and situations in order to make connections and draw new insights
Manage complexities and ambiguities by adjusting their perspectives and strategies
Inventive Thinking
Explore possibilities and generate novel and useful ideas
Evaluate and refine ideas to formulate novel and useful solutions
Our Aims
By the end of Primary Six, our students should be able to:
Use evidence to explain their reasoning and decisions
Reflect on their thoughts, attitudes, behaviour and actions during their learning experiences
Compare and contrast different contexts or situations
Understand perspectives and strategies that are different from their own
Generate alternative ideas and explore different pathways
Evaluate and refine their ideas based on robust criteria
Our Programmes
Happy Hall
Through classroom discussions and activities, our students examine what good thinkers do to think well, and the dispositions good thinkers demonstrate when they think well.

Thinking Critically about Values
In collaboration with the CCE department, the CIT team leveraged on the Form Teacher Guidance Period (FTGP) lessons to encourage our students to discuss and reflect on contemporary issues. Through these classroom discussions, the students demonstrate critical and adaptive thinking as they navigate through the issues by examining facts, information and different perspectives.